calls you up!
(I painted his portrait, as a Circus Impresario, on his
Antique Shop several years ago)
“Hey, Roberto … I’m not just an Antique Shop anymore!
I’m set up as an Arts Venue and Events Space now also,
with a stage and a great exhibition space.
Everyone loves your mural!
...and I was thinkin’...
it would be great if you wanted to have an exhibition here!”
Well, what could I say!?
I just happened to have a new series of ‘glass vessel’ paintings I was hoping to exhibit in Italy this year,
(but that all got postponed)
so... “Yes! Let’s do it!”
Well, one thing led to another,
and the venue was so great,
I realized that not only could I mount
my new 'Vessels' paintings…
but I could also do a complete retrospective of all of my 'Mindscapes' paintings!
have some of my friends perform and play!
How great is that!
Set aside the first weekend of June:
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
We’ll have a BIG Party!
If you’r not on my eMail list, and want to be,
just contact me and I’ll keep you updated,
contact the Warehouse.
Peace and love -Roberto Quintana