No commissioned piece, or large-scale art project, would ever get done without the patronage and support of the Client. You really make it all happen!
The creative process can be messy, and even a little difficult at times, what with waiting for paint to dry and a deadline looming... but it can also be very rewarding. "I am grateful to everyone who has had faith in me and my talents—it has been a pleasure to share my work with you. Each and every one of you has helped me to live my dream. I hope I have been equally helpful in your realizing your dream. Thank you." -Roberto Quintana This is a partial list.
If I have left your name out (or misspelled it!)... my apologies. Please contact me and I will gladly correct the oversight. (Also, please see my list of Affiliates and Associates.)
Permission Statement: The contents of this web site are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. All images and text on this web site are copyright 1980-2021 Roberto Quintana dba Art & Soul Productions and/or their respective owners. All of the artwork on this web site has been hand-painted and/or designed by Roberto Quintana, one of his talented associates, or provided by an affiliate or a client. No portion of this web site may be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, or otherwise exploited without the express written consent of Roberto Quintana. Any artwork on this web site that resembles your wonderful and precious artwork is purely accidental, and a huge coincidence, really. Oh, and any representation or likeness to anyone famous, living or otherwise, is most likely also an accident. Every effort has been made to give credit where it is due to clients, associates, and affiliates. If I have left you out please contact the studio, let's get this straightened out right away! Students and teachers may quote images or text for their non-commercial school activities. You also have my permission to quote images or text on your non-commercial blog, website, or Facebook page as long as you notify me by e-mail, give credit on your site, and provide a link back to this web site. For use of text or images in traditional, or non-traditional print media, or for commercial licensing rights, please e-mail the studio for permissions.