anamorphic | ˈanəˈˌmôrfik | adjective
Denoting or relating to a distorted projection or drawing that appears normal when viewed from a particular point-of-view.
Portuguese artist Sergio Odeith creates remarkable anamorphic murals that appear to pop out of the walls on which they are painted. Odeith began making graffiti in the 1980s, before branching out into large-scale murals and his signature anamorphic works.
And of course a few murals by the Queen of 3D
“Today, artists have a wide range of tools to achieve what’s called contemporary anamorphic art, a designed method or technology used to create the illusion of 3D on 2D surfaces. It’s a method of drawing founded on the geometry of perspective, often using photography or computer programs as tools to achieve the final chalk-and-paint illusion.”